Chemistry Major Laboratory III (CH353)
Course Information 1) Lecture: Experiment: Credit = 0: 6h: 2 2) Location: Lab 502 & 506 3) Instructors: Class A: Prof. Jin Young Kang ( Class B: Prof. Yunjung Baek (
4) Time Table
Objectives for the Course 1) To present and reinforce basic laboratory techniques and practices 2) To introduce elementary methods of assessing the significance of experimental measurements 3) To assitant undergraduates to acquire positive attitude toward chemistry and practical chemical laboratory techniques.
Course Requirement - General Chemistry I (CH101), General Chemistry Laboratory (CH102), Inorganic Chemistry I(CH334), Biochemistry II(CH352) - (Recommended) Physical Chemistry I (CH211), Physical Chemistry II(CH213), Organic Chemistry I(CH221), Organic Chemistry II(CH22), Major Chemistry Laboratory I(CH252), Major Chemistry Laboratory II(CH352)
- Total: 8 experiments(each 100 pts) + two Exams (each 100 pts) =800 pts + 200 pts = 1000 pts - Mid-term exam (Inorganic chemistry, 10%, 100 pts) + Final exam (Biochemistry, 10%, 100 pts) - Grades: A(45-50%), B (45-50%), C-D (5%) per class.
Methods of Evaluation The student will be evaluated based on his/her in-lab performance involving criteria listed below. Point total per experiment = 100 points
1) Attitude (20 pts): Punctuality, exhibition of proper lab safety, appropriate cleanliness, appearance of being undistrated and focused on tasks at hand
2) Pre-lab report (20 pts)
3) Laboratory reports (60 points) (a) Introduction(10 pts) & Procedure Summary (10 pts) (b) Data & results (30 pts) -Quantitative results; Data & Calculation, Table & Graphs -Qualitative results: Observations (c) Discussion (20 pts) -Summary -Assessment of results -Conclusions (d) Inclusion of literature references (attention to ACS formatting). i) example: Park, Y.; Heo, J.; Naik, M.-H.; Chang, S. Why is the Ir(III)-Mediated Amido Transfer Much Faster than the Rh(III)-Mediated Reaction? - A Combined Experimental and Computational Study. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 14020-14029, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b0821.
References - PHYWE Physics Laboratory Experiments Manual 2006/2007. - Inorg. Synth., J. Chem. Ed., - Biochemistry Laboratory Experiment Manual, KAIST, Chemistry Department, 2006 - Handbooks (a) CRC handbook of Chemistry and Physics (CRC press, Boca Raton, Florida) (b) Merck Index(Merck & Co., Rakway, New Jersey) (c) Lange's Handbook of Chemistry (MaGraw-Hill, New York)
Tentative Schedule and Topics
(a) Schedule
(b) Contents
o Assignment Submission - Online Submission: - Creat your account. Enter class ID and Password (provided by TA) - Enter your name in Korean or English - Submission Due: The submission will close at 23:59 on the day before next lab class is set to begin. You should use MS-word to product your written assignments. - Posting grade: Within 3 days from the due date of the report. - Claim period: Within 2 days from the date of the posting grade. - In case you miss the submission due, there is no opportunity to submit it later.
o Safety Education Due to the KAIST's policy, the following contents were applied to the undergraduate experimental subject. Each student must receive 3 or 6 hours per semester. (if you belong to the laboratory, complete 6 hours)
- Watch the KAIST online safety education video, send the certificate to the TA after completion. - Traning Method and Cetificate of Completion [Safety Team] - [Laboratory Safety Management System] - [Laboratory Safety Education] - [Online Education] Visit and watch the necessary video and submit the cetificate by November 30th(Saterday). - Follow the manuak uploaded to KLMS for more information
If you do not submit a cetificate, your attitude score for all experimental reports will be deducted by 50 percent (each 10 points, total 80 pts).
0 Our Guidelines to check Plagiarism Using the Turnitin Software Reports having similarity ranges from 16% to 100% or the following common sources (below) will be judged as plagiarism that results in a laboratory reports grade of zero (case by case; determined by chief TA and instructor).
Example 1. Text matching i) Overall similarity index: should not exceed 24% (24% and below gives the color code-Green, in Turntin, indicating that it within the acceptable) ii) Acceptable number of words in unbroken string (phrase or sentence): should not exceed 15 words If you get an orange 52% similaruty percentage, that means that 52% of your report is exactly the same as other sources found by Turnitin. Even in case of 15% similarity, if the matching text is one continuous block of borrowed material (should not exceed 15 words), it will be considered as plagiarized text of significant concern.
Example 2. Cut/ Copy and Paste material from the Web, textbooks or online manual, data ("lifting" phrases, sentence and paragraphs of someone's work beyond an acceptable number of words)
Example 3. Copying the work of another student